Decked Out 2 / Player Performance Ratings

Decked Out 2 is a competitive, deck-building, dungeon crawler game created in Minecraft by TangoTek as part of his main base.
This little page tries to rate the players of Decked Out 2 based on their successes and failures in the dungeon. The players are given points for wins 👑 , or subtracted points if they fail 💀 in the Decked Out 2 dungeon.
The amount of points added or subtracted is modified by how difficult a players run was. See bottom of page for more info.

Player Rating Scoreboard

# ↑↓ Hermit Phase 3 Phase 2

Table 1. Standings from current phase and previous phases.
Standings will change as more runs become public.
↑↓ represents change in placement (#) from previous phase to current phase.
NB! Ratings are updated manually when I have time.

Card Deck Power

This metric simply divides the total cost of all a players cards by the maxium cards amount that they can have in Decked Out 2 (Which is 40).
More cards and more valuable cards give a higher deck power.

Data source: DO2 Tracking (The Dungeon Archive)

Recent Runs

The table will updated automatically as players do runs. But requires manual page refresh.

Run No. Hermit Difficulty Artifact Level Artifact Found Death Cause Success / Fail Phase

Full view

Data source: DO2 Tracking (The Dungeon Archive)

Timeline of Rating Progression / All Phases

Data source: DO2 Tracking (The Dungeon Archive)

Barplot / Highest to Lowest Rated Players

Data source: DO2 Tracking (The Dungeon Archive)

How ratings are calculated

The rating system is based formula 2 by Arpad Elo found in his publication.

Decked Out 2 Rating Formula:
R2 = R1 + (K(S-E))

R2 is the new rating after a run. R1 is the players rating before the run. S is 1 if the player succeed or 0 if they failed. E represents the probability of succeeding in the dungeon. E is calculated per phase in the game based on the overall player success for the X difficulty and Y level artifact (Table 1). E will modify how much a players rating increases or decreases. The maximum points a player can have added or subtracted to their ranking is K, and it's set to 32. Some examples: If E equals 0.5, a player will gain or lose 12.5 points if they succeed or fail. If E is high, say 0.8, a player will gain 6.4 points if they succeed or lose 25.6 points if they fail. If E is low, say 0.2, a player will gain 25.6 points if they succeed or lose 6.4 points if they fail. All players start with a rating of 1000.

As E values will change a lot during a phase (every new run brings a new estimate), expect player ratings to also change a lot during an active phase. Player ratings are only fixed for phases that are completed and were all the runs for the phase is accounted for.

Table 2. Difficulty Factors (E) used. The probability of a player doing a successful DO2 run with X difficulty and Y artifact level location. Easy and Medium LvL 1 is combined, to avoid "noob bias"*.

Deadly Deep Frost
Phase 1: 0.57 0.10 0.18 0.00
Phase 2: 0.68 0.35 0.12 0.25

*The "noob bias" (tm) is the fact that when a Hermit first runs Decked Out 2, their skill level is at the lowest, they dont know how the game works, and they will be running Easy Lvl 1.
This resulted in a Easy Lvl 1 difficulty estimate E that implied that Easy Lvl 1 is twice as hard as Medium lvl 1!
Even though from a gameplay perspective, they should be fairly similar. For now, lvl 2 and up are still split, as once a Hermit goes there,
they should know how the game works and be out of that early noob phase.

Decked Out 2 Wiki | TangoTek YouTube
Page maintained by kaldbloding (discord)